""نبذه عن الاداه""
هذه الاداه تخلصنا من الكراكات المتفيرسه او
محاولة تنشيط حسابك مختلف مفاتيح مسروقة لم تعد مطلوبة. إلى
الى جانب ذلك ، ربما كنت قد لاحظت بالفعل أن المفاتيح الموجودة على شبكة الإنترنت بسرعة كبيرة تقع في القائمة السوداء، وعليك أن تبحث باستمرار عن الجديد
غالبا ما تعقد في بعض الأحيان أقل من أسبوع.
التخلص من هذه المشكله: تفعيل الحساب مرة واحدة في الشهر، إيقاف الإخطار الفترة التجريبية
ونسيان هذه المشاكل.
With this tool "Kaspersky Trial Reset 2012 v2" you can safely use all the features of the latest products Kaspersky Lab Crystal, KIS-2012, KAV-2012. In this case, crack antivirus itself or try to activate your account various stolen keys no longer needed. To Besides, you've probably already noticed that the keys found on the Internet very quickly fall into the black list and you have to constantly look for new often held at times even less than a week. Get rid of the headache: activate the account once a month, turn off the notification of the trial period and forget about these problems. This utility was tested on the following operating systems: 1. Windows XP (32-bit, 64-bit) 2. Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit) 3. Windows 7 Seven (32-bit, 64-bit) In all tests was good for all three products: Crystal, KIS-2012, KAV-2012 Features 1. Fully updated code, with the AES-256 encryption 2. Compatible with all versions of Microsoft Windows (32-bit, 64-bit) 3. Not prescribed in the system and requires no installation, completely portable 4. Supports the following Kaspersky Lab products: Crystal, KIS, KAV 5. Very easy to use, has a friendly user interface 6. Antivirus is not defined, the brand new product (released on 20.10.2011, the) 7. Added manifest, that protect users from inappropriate tool launches 8. Added automatic detection of the administrative rights and privileges of various 9. Added ability to auto-determine the current state of anti-virus 10. Added protection from "fool" (start is only possible if all the conditions) 11. Added timer reset, and the lifetime utility (useful for analysis) 12. Added a partial definition of the system, for clarity of the process 13. Added sound theme, as well as built-in volume control (for connoisseurs) 14. Added information about the author and some visual effects De--SS--ion of work In an executable application module has been added to the manifest, which does not allow the utility to run under Windows Vista and Windows 7 Seven without administrative rights user. Also in the program was introduced definition of the privileges that automatically launches user record incorrect, and thus you avoid mal-- # وصلة ممنوعة 1778 # -- of the utilities (so to say, this kind of protection "fool-proof" for those who are not particularly aware of computers). After starting the utility, you'll get the main application window in which you can select one of three products Kaspersky. To reset the TRIAL-mode rather simply press the appropriate button, all of the program do it automatically. If suddenly, for whatever reasons, the conditions for a successful reset trial This utility will not be fulfilled, the process of zeroing would not even be activated and the user will see information that contains the cause of this error. Now, all under the hood and in your hands, let Uncle Kaspersky little smoke on the sidelines! Good luck to you!
""صوره الاداه""
""فحص الاداه""
""تحميل الاداه""