بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
الحمد لله وحده نحمده ونشكره ونستعين به ونستغفره ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا
ومن سيئات أعمالنا
من يهده الله فلا مضل له ومن يضلل فلا هادي له
أشهد ان لا إله الا الله وحده لا شريك له
وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله
صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
ومن تبعهم بالإحسان الى يوم الدين
ربنا لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا, إنك أنت العليم الخبير
ربنا لا فهم لنا إلا ما أفهمتنا, إنك أنت الجوّاد الكريــم
ربي اشرح لي صدري ويسر لي أمري واحلل لي
عقدة لساني يفقهوا قولي
أما بعد .
amd sempron +3000 32bit+64bit
سرعة المعالج
1.8 GHz
نوع الرام
سعة الرام
1024 Mo
القرص الصلب
160 Go
كرت الشاشة
سعة كرت الشاشة
قارئ الأقراص
نظام التشغيل
Ordinateur de bureau
لمن يهتم للأمر يتصل بي 0627907615
De whiteblood Le 2017-06-22 12:13:50
Sell fresh and updated Cc, Dumps+pin, cvv fullz, cvv2 and bank logins,Western Union/Moneygram Transfers,Paypal,webmail ! "all country" PLEASE EMAIL ME FOR FAST REPLY AND RESPONSE INFO TO CONTACT ME : ___________________ ==> icq : 663362021 ==> My Gmail : [email protected] ==> Jabber : [email protected] INFO TO CONTACT ME : ___________________ ==> icq : 663362021 ==> My Gmail : [email protected] ==> Jabber : [email protected] ------------ Western Union transfer ---------------- *** Transfer Western Union / bank (Eu,Uk,Asia,Canada,Us,France,Germany,Italy,Nigeria and very easy to cashout African) : 500$ you will have mtcn : 10000$ 400$ you will have mtcn : 8000$ 300$ you will have mtcn : 5500$ 200$ you will have mtcn : 3500$ 150$ you will have mtcn : 1500$ - We are Very PROFESSIONAL in WESTION UNION. Our Special Job Is this - We Have big Western Union Service for everywhere and every when for you. - We transfer money to all country in world. - We can transfer big amount. And you can receive this money from your country. - Our service accept payment 15% of transfer amount for small transfer . And 10% of big transfer. - For large transfer . We make is very safe. And this service is very fast. - We start to run software to make transfer to your WU info very fast,without delay and immediately. - We give you MTCN and sender info and all cashout info, 15 mins after your payment completed. ----DUMP Services:------- + skimmer ATM with pin + POS tracks with pin Codes 101-521-201 121-221-110 100-90-80 122-91-120 226-106-81 71-70-206 CardNumber=4190004341231284 HolderName1=DALAS/WILLIAMS HolderName2= CardExp=08/15 Carrier=101 Track1=B4190004341231284^FRANK/JEFFREY R/^1302101184710000000000426000000 Track2=4190004341231284=13021011847142600001 pin : 2451 sample of dumps : MC: 5424180*****509=0906101085010581 ; B5424180*****09^LISA/MICHAEL D ^090610100000008501000000581000000 542418*****6583=0909101226010498 ; B542418*****6583^PETERS/ANGELA M ^090910100000022601000000498000000 VISA: 41144******501329=091110114013216 ; B41144******501329^BALANGERO/ JUSTIN M^091110100000014013216000000 41212******22456=09091010000092900000 ; B41212******22456^CORNELL/LORI^09091010000000000 092900000000000 __________List cc's __________ - Us: visa,master = 8$ amex,discover = 8$ bin = 20$ dob = 25$ fullz = 35$ - UK: visa,master = 18$ amex,discover = 18$ bin = 25$ dob= 30$ fullz = 60$ - CA: visa,master = 15$ amex = 18$ bin= 25$ dob = 30$ fullz = 75$ - AU: visa,master = 18$ amex = 20$ bin = 25$ dob = 30$ fullz = 75$ - Italy = 20$ / 1 - Spain = 20$ / 1 - Denmark = 25$ / 1 - Sweden = 20$ / 1 - France = 20$ / 1 - Germany = 19$ / 1 - Ireland = 18$ / 1 _ Brasil: 25$/ 1 - New zeland = 18$ / 1 - Switherland = 18$ / 1 - Slovakia = 20$ / 1 - Netherlands = 18$ / 1 - Mexico=15 / 1 - Middle East = 18$ / 1 - Asia = 18$ INFO TO CONTACT ME : ___________________ ==> icq : 663362021 ==> My Gmail : [email protected] ==> Jabber : [email protected]
De loyaller Le 2017-05-03 00:39:30
Sell fresh and updated Cc, Dumps+pin, cvv fullz, cvv2 and bank logins,webmail ! "all country" About bank login(i make transfer of amount you want in an account that you give Selling,cvvs,tracks1&2,australia,france,germany,usa,uk,ca, Selling Dumps + pin Selling Dump+pin all of the dumps are getting checked for validaty before we sell them. If there is something wrong with the dump, we will replace it with no questions. Minimum order 5 Dumps+pin CONTACT INFO: ___________________________________________________ ICQ: 49654321 GMAIL: [email protected] SKYPE: loyaler9 JABBER: [email protected] TELEGRAM : @loyaler9 ___________________________________________________ 5 dumps+pin platinium=300$ 10 dumps+pin visa and mastercard=250$ 20 dumps+pin classic=150$ wrong with the dump we will replace it with no questions. Minimum Order 5 5pcs=$100 50pcs=$750 More than 100pcs=$10/1 CVV Fullz USA. MSR606 --------- $180 EMBOSSER ------- $150 ATM SKIMMER WINCOR ------- $330 NCR ---------- $300 LIBERTY RESERVE HACK ------- $150 CVV2 AND Bank logins I Seller Cvv2 (US,UK,AU,Italia,EURO,... and dob+sn+full info and bank login TANGERINE SUNTRUST CITIBANK SOUTH DAKOTA, N.A. LLOYDS TSB BA Fresh Cards. Selling Dumps, Cvvs, Fullz. Hello. We selling fresh dumps with original Track1 and Track2. There are normal cc`s with cvv code,USA fullz,UK+DOB. All stuff is checked and approved. ONLY ORIGINAL INFO! We have approved fresh dumps from USA, large bases. Visa Classic, MC Standart - $15 Visa Gold, Platinum, Business, Signature - $25. IF YOU ORDER OVER 20 pcs: Visa Classic, MC Standart - $8/1 Visa Gold, Platinum, Business, Signature - $20/1 We have EU dumps also. Visa Classic, MC Standart - $50/1 Visa Gold, Platinum, Business, Signature - $130/1 Formate is: 5401683030957507=090910120000294 ; B5401683030957507^DAVIES/TOKUBO ^09091012000000294000000 Prices for normal CC is so: USA - $7. UK - $12. Formate is: Card Number | Exp. Date | CVV/CVV2 | First Name | Last Name | Street | City | State | Zip Code | Country | Phone | Type Of Card | Bank Name | If you r interested in Fullz: USA - $25. UK(cvv+dob) - $30 We sell information only good quality, We don't offer bull**** stuff. Less price have rippers only. Be patient ih have any delays. We do all so fast how we can. we thank for your understanding. Service takes care of valid only, not their balance. It's available to sort cvvs by Classic/Gold/Platinum types, not giving any warranty of high amount balance. Service can deny to process Ur requerst witout explanation of reasons. I SELL LOGINS AND CVV,s 1 Visa card..................................3$ 1 US card..........................7$ 1 CA card................................12$ 1 EU card............................12$ 1 AU card..........................18$ 1 JP Card ...................18$ 1 Track 1& 2 CC.......................................20$ 1 Fresh Fullz .........................................25$ 1 Dead Fullz ..........................................10$ 1 Paypal vefified without balance==50$ 1 Paypal verified with 1000$ balance ==100$ BALANCE IN CHASE ..............................70K TO 155K ========200$ BALANCE IN WASHOVIA.........................24K TO 80K===========100$ BALANCE IN BOA......................................75K TO 450K==========350$ BALANCE IN CREDIT UNION.....................ANY AMOUNT==========250$ BALANCE IN HALIFAX...............................ANY AMOUNT=========250$ BALANCE IN COMPASS............................ANY AMOUNT=========400$ BALANCE IN WELSFARGO........................ANY AMOUNT=========250$ YOU CAN CONTACT FOR MANY MORE OTHER BANK LOG YOU NEED... 1 COMERSUS SOFTWARE WITH BANK LOG IN AND BANK CREDIT CARD CODE ==========2000$ 2 COMERSUS SOFTWARE WITHOUT BANK LOG IN AND BANK CREDIT CARD CODE ==========1500$ 3 NEW WESTERN UNION HACKING BUG FOR WORLD WIDE TRANSFER ====================500$ 4 NEW PAYPAL LOG IN HACKWARE FOR HACKING FRESH PAYPAL =======================650$ 5 NEW SHOP ADMIN HACKWARE FOR HACKING ONLINE SHOP FOR CREDIT CARD============2000$ 6 NEW CREDIT CARD AMOUNT CHECKER FOR PEOPLE WANTING TO KNOW AMOUNT ON CC===320$ 7 NEW CREDIT CARD VALIDATOR FOR VALIDATING ANY FULL CC INFO =====================320$ .................................................................................................... .............................. >24 hours for Hold-Call / Pick Up Card: 04 | Hold-Call Or Pick Up Card 07 | Hold-Call Or Pick up Card | Pick Up Card - Special Condition 41 | Hold-Call Or Pick up Card | Pick Up Card - Lost 43 | Hold-Call Or Pick up Card | Pick Up Card Stolen Please read it carefully: 1. We don't send binlist so ask for it 2.Don't ask for free test. We don't give free Test 3.We sell information only good quality, We don't offer bull**** stuff. Less price have rippers only. If you can't trust our service, we have good reviews in this post or ask us for forum's list where we have been registered CONTACT INFO: ___________________________________________________ ICQ: 49654321 GMAIL: [email protected] SKYPE: loyaler9 JABBER: [email protected] TELEGRAM : @loyaler9 ___________________________________________________ i am the good seller
De loyaller Le 2017-05-01 16:32:29
De loyaller Le 2017-04-28 01:00:19
De loyaller Le 2017-04-03 00:51:24
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